Well really the Question is who is Skwake? Well Skwake is really just a crew of wakeboarders From The East Coast of Tassie!! that decided to make a website and we called it Skwake!

Now we dont Really claim To represent the Tasmanian East Coast's Wakeboarding scene It's no official position, but seeing as that we are the only people that really wakeboard on the east coast we decided to claim it. Im sure there are others out there so if you do come across this website leave a message and we can get a crew together sometime.

So why Skwake? Well a few years ago when we first started wakeboarding we also did a little bit of skateboarding and being a creative bunch we made some home skate and wake movies and the movie title Skwake came up a bit of both of course and now the name has kinda stuck allthough we dont really skateboard anymore.

So i guess you could say it stands for Some Kook Wakeboarders or Slider Kicker Wakeboarding i dunno but the name has stuck and i guess we will have to live with it!